вторник, 29 апреля 2014 г.

Pool Tips 1 apk free download

Pool Tips 1


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★ Pool Tips is an app designed to give you a detailed and thorough grounding in the fundamentals of pool/billiards to improve your game. A set of 12 pool lessons/billiards lessons.

★Pool Tips is packed with dynamic and interesting videos of tips and advice to give you a solid framework of sound fundamental methods.

★ What is unique about Pool Tips is that there is no dull, dogmatic teaching style, tying you down to just one variation of a method. Different methods and styles are discussed for you to build upon and develop your own unique playing style.


☆ Approach

☆ Grip

☆ Bridge

☆ Stance

☆ Stroke

☆ Aiming

☆ Eye Movement

☆ Breaking

☆ Mechanical Bridge

☆ Stroke Drill

☆ Control Drill

☆ Sequence Drill

☆ Pool Tips Preview

★ Pool Tips is ideal for beginners, or intermediate players wishing to check and review the fundamentals of the game.

★ This is the first in a planned series of Pool Tips, going from the fundamentals in this app, then on to intermediate and advanced techniques in future episodes.

★ Each video is packed with information, so please get ready to use the pause and rewind button.

Please note that Pool Tips is a video based application, so there will be a longer download time compared to a game app for example.

✦✦✦✦ This app takes up quite a bit of memory space. Please make sure you have enough memory on your device before downloading this app as it is a video based app with a lot of information ✦✦✦✦

Wishing you fun and success with Pool Tips!

★★★ Pool Tips 2 is now available ★★★

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The end of the game feels a violently surreal expression of infertility Oya seems not entirely deserve free Pool Tips 1 1.0 torrent download . But it is in line with a thrilling writer, Icarus-like ambition. McCraney can singed wings, as in a blinding in a blinding light archetypal get as it flies.

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