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The question is how soon get some new get some new casting for the sequel? Dan Aykroyd said he likes of Matthew Gray Gubler Days of Summer, but the studio will want some big names. Honestly, I think my picks for the new Ghostbusters would Bill Hader and Seth Rogen , along with Donald Glover and Emma Stone as the first female Ghostbuster. If Bill Murray does not come back, it would be nice if Harold Ramis, Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson and Rick Moranis could coax out of retirement for at least a cameo download Vegane Plätzchen: Vegan backen apk free . What do you think? one of those one of those 'it it when we see it 'scenarios, but when Paramount making production decisions in other films so that the sequel may go on camera for Sony, it seems a good guarantee that this movie is to be rid. When the film begins shooting next summer, it would probably be a release in 2014, just in time to 30 Anniversary of the original movie. Ethan Coen wrote the latest draft of the script that the original Ghostbusters , the torch the torch on some new faces.
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