суббота, 31 мая 2014 г.

download IronworkApp apk free



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Iron Work App is the first and only photo sharing app for ironworkers on the Android Market!!! With Iron Work App, you and your buddies can browse, upload, and save photos of your proud ironwork while on the job, over a beer, or at home with the kids. This app is intended for use by anyone who is a fan of ironwork or watching massive projects be completed from start to finish. THIS IS A FAN BASED APP! The more people who register and upload photos, the better! We invite you to post your interests, accomplishments and hobbies to our simple and clean interface. A few features: To remember our fallen brothers and sisters, a memorial category has been added with the ability to share photos and great stories about the individuals who lost their lives on the job. If your interested in facts, our facts page gives brief details on famous ironwork done around the world. Whether you only work on reinforcing bridges, or simply enjoy and appreciate common interests in ironwork, blacksmith, ornamental, steel or metal fabrication this App is for YOU!

OS Requirement: Android 2.0+

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