AFTrack - GPS Tracking
Travel & Local
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AFTrack is the display for your GPS and activates the world of hiking, biking, sailing, geocaching or more for your phone. The program handles tracking with smart and fixed logging features. It sends reports online or via SMS. It receives SMS position messages and show it as a waypoint. It exports tracks and waypoints. Uses maps online and offline and more.
- map view with info docks - track, profile, route, way point. gps info
- different gps sources: internal gps, internal with NMEA, bluetooth gps direct, gpsd over Wifi/3G, NMEA file
- collecting track data
- show routes or tracks in up/down hill colors
- export tracks to GPX, KML, IGC, OVL format
- import route data - GPX, TCX or KML format
- import, export way points - GPX or KML format
- import areas from KML format
- off road routing along the line
- online maps - pool editable
- offline maps - OSZ format build by MobileAtlasCreator (
- offline maps - SQLite formats mbtiles and sqlitedb build by MobileAtlasCreator and/or Maperitive
- offline maps - BSB3 format for marine navigation (needs Android 2.2 or higher)
- offline maps - NV digital for marine navigation (OS >= Android 2.2)
- offline maps - mapsforge vector file format (needs Android 2.2 or higher) - with extra xml layouts usable
- use offline maps from jpg, png or bmp files
- use offline maps with calibration file map, gmi, kml, kal, cal, pwm or jpr format
- seamless maps display when using OSZ or SQLite tile container
- map selector to have quick access to available offline maps
- map scan for a defined folder and sub folder
- map overlays - pool editable
- map offline overlays - in mbtiles 'overlay' format
- virtual map center on multi tracking or waypoint and position
- wind indicator for the map center
- display depth - if available
- display AIS information - if availble
- copy way points to route
- revers routes
- altitude correction (automatic or manual)
- pressure usable for altitude (if available)
- NMEA logging to disk - with filter
- online position sending for live tracking
- short message position sending
- short message position receiving
- short message from GPS tracker TK102, TK102-2, TK102 clones, DNT, ELRO, GEODOG or SmartcomGps
- text storage for short messages e.g. for Xexun tracker
- collecting short messages to a track - single or multi tracking
- getting way point positions from a GpsGate server
- set anchor alarm for the current position
- set anchor alarm for a way point that receives positions from a gps tracker
- save and restore settings
Minimum Android version: 2.1
Android Market and/or Google account: -
Third-party libraries: -
Rooted device: -
Please send remarks to
Keywords: gps, gpsd, nmea, bluetooth, tracking, tracker, pet tracker, POI, AIS, way point, hiking, biking, sailing, maps, Google maps, OpenStreetMap, OpenSeaMap, osm, bing maps, offline maps, NV-digital, BSB3, BSB, GPX, KML, offline, offroad, outdoor, offshore
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At the time this release the Twitter page is still sends responses to users for any implementation of the hashtag# TheFireRises in an update, and their avatar is used to compose a mosaic here, from which the above image of Tom Hardy as Bane. However, the Facebook page for The Dark Knight Rises had the full photo wrote, before the mosaic was finished, so it sounds like someone can get their timing wrong on the release of the image have, or it was only chopped from the site download AFTrack - GPS Tracking 1.6.0 for free . I imagine it will retain much more viral effect from this Twitter feed is definitely in the eye, and follow our updates viral as well. Dig this first look at Tom Hardy as Bane?
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