понедельник, 11 августа 2014 г.

XCount apk free download



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An Archery scoring application that will allow you to plot shots on a per End basis and save Rounds. XCount features many different types of targets. Ends and Rounds are saved automatically, so there are no worries about loosing your perfect shot history. A scorecard and overview activity are included, so you can keep track of how you are doing and see your shot groupings. More features will be coming soon.


* Automatically saves Ends and Rounds.

* Supported Targets: FITA/Vegas Single, FITA/Vegas 3 Spot, FITA Inner Ten, FITA Field, NFAA Single, NFAA 5 Spot, NFAA Field, NFAA Hunter, FITA/Vegas (Inner Rings), Imperial.

* Scorecard with total score and shot average.

* Shot Overview of full round.

* Sort shots by shot number on Overview activity.

* Open or Delete previous rounds.

* Email or Upload Overview rounds to Facebook.

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My toughest scene to write in this year: Lloyd: Write a story about a child faced the death of a friend in a way that is not preachy or special, but funny, small and real download XCount 1.5 for free .

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