Chromatic Hits 3 - Cymbals
Music & Audio
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This is a content pack for use with Caustic 2.
You must have Caustic 2 installed to use this!
The concept: often when I use one-shot samples, I would like to have them play higher or lower without changing their duration and/or having them slow down or speed up. That gave me the idea for this set. The set contains 49 instruments that can be played chromatically. They are made from resynthesized one-shot samples.
They are in the monolithic PCMsynth format which means that the samples of a specific instrument are contained in a single file, the individual wav files are not included.
The full set is in three volumes that are sold individually.
This is volume 3- Cymbals: 9 resynthesized acoustic cymbals/hi-hats.
The 2 others are:
1- Mix: 27 instruments covering a range of different timbres.
2- Metal: 13 metallic sounding instruments.
The result: many sounds that can be used as tuned or semi-tuned percussions and others (like the cymbals) where you have low and high pitched sounds of the same speed and length. All instruments have 4 samples per octave and most cover at least 6 octaves.
PDF documentation is included and it can also be viewed on our website.
Also visit our website to download the free single cycle waveform presets for Caustic's PCMSynth!
keywords: caustic content pack Zvon chromatic
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A lot a lot of epic representations of the end of the world, but a new movie is more on the relationship, and crumble in the face of our concentrate bloom destruction. More interestingly, the duo with the project as Deadline reported Steve Carell and Keira Knightley involved in seeking a friend for the end of the world star. The story begins failed download Chromatic Hits 3 - Cymbals 1.0.1 apk . Learns that a giant asteroid is headed to earth and will almost certainly destroy the entire planet. Carell plays a man sitting in the car with his wife when the radio that the last attempt to destroy the asteroid is heard failed. His wife just runs at him.
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