понедельник, 28 апреля 2014 г.

download flipStagram Pro (Instagram) 1.1.47 for free

flipStagram Pro (Instagram)


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flipStagram - whats that?

flipStagram is an image browser for the well known Instagram photo community. flipstagram is especially designed to use the extra pixels of your tablet or Kindle Fire to provide you the best possible Instagram browsing experience!

With flipStagram you can:

- View the "most popular" list of photos on Instagram.

- Search for specific tags or Instagram users.

- Start a slideshow to flip automatically through your actual Instagram photo set.

- See all available image attributes like the creation time, the filters used, the tags etc.

- See all the comments on Instagram regarding an image.

- See the image in fullscreen mode.

- Use the zoom functionality to see all the details you want.

- Start new tag searches instantly by clicking an image tag.

- See the pictures geolocation (if available) in a map view.

- Customize the grid view appropriate to your needs.

- See the history of you last tag searches on Instagram.

If you tablet is equiped with an GPS sensor, you can additionally:

- Search Instagram photos around your actual location. flipStagram locates your actual location by GPS and shows you all the Instagram pictures around.

If you already have an Instagram account, you can additionally

- See you own Instagram feed.

- See all the pictures you have liked.

- Add comments to pictures.

- Add likes to pictures.

- Follow other Instagram users.

- See all the details of an Instagram user profile, see his followers and who is following him.


Please be aware that flipStagram is an Instagram browser, especially designed to bring the Instagram experience on tablet devices like the Kindle Fire. You can NOT upload pictures and you can NOT create new Instagram accounts with flipStagram. This is caused by the fact that the Instagram API, on which flipStagram is based on, simply doesn't allow picture upload and account creation. So, please be kind and do not give flipStagram a bad rating for that. To create a new account or to upload pictures, you have to use the official Instagram app on an android or iOS device.

Do you miss any feature?

This app is work in progress. So if you miss a feature or if you have any suggestions, hints or bug bug reports: Don't hesitate to contact us. Maybe we can add it to one of the next releases.

Currently these are the most wanted feature requests:

- Save Instagram photos / photo sets to your SD-Card.

- Search photos around various locations, not only around your current location.

- Extended slide show functionality.

- Improve last searches history. Add some "Save as favorites" functionality.

- Add more supported plattforms: Google TV? Windows 8 tablets? flipStagram is currently available on android tablets and the Kindle Fire.

What do you think? Please vote on info@app-lecrumble.com

Tags: Instagram Kindle Fire Tablet Tab Pad Viewer Browser Slideshow Location Based

Have fun!

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