Rainy Day
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Rainy Day live wallpaper features a kitten within a rainy day and night scene. It's like a little reminder to not to forget to notice the little simple things in life <3 Complemented with rainy and sunny theme for you to choose, something to fit your mood.
★Fully interactive!
★Tablet landscape support!
★Sound FX
★SD-card support
★Based on OpenGL ( smooth and effective )
★Quality content ( original artwork )
HOW TO INTERACT? ( info included within app's FAQ )
Rainy Day Live Wallpapaer runs smoothly and doesn't eat your phone's battery! We have tested it on devices like Samsung Galaxy S3 and S4 ( also Tab 2 and older models ), also works great on HTC One, Xperia S and Nexus 7.
*General Help and Hints:
-To open your Live Wallpaper: Home Screen>Menu>Wallpaper>Live Wallpaper
-Sometimes, after an update, it's better to re-install Live Wallpaper
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