Songs and Rhymes
Music & Audio
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This songbook gives you over 300 English songs, included Childrens songs and rhymes. Additional there are songs from Spain, France, The Nederlands, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Norway.
And if the song you are seeking is not there you can easily add it yourself with the Add feature and see it under Favorites. It will at the same time be uploaded to the database and possibly included in the app to the benefit of other users.
And the app will automatically search YouTube so you can hear the song you want. This feature is a fun way to relearn old songs.
All songs are stored in a database on the internet but by adding the song as your favorite it will also be available offline.
Songs will be added if the song you added is free of copyright.
NB: There are no music and chords in this songbook. To this date alle songs in the Songbook is without copyright, which means that the author has been dead for over 70 years (European law).
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Monopoly is still the most popular board game - I could be misquoted! - In the world. So it is really to be found, the universe for the game. Because clearly it should be humorous and for the family - the funny way it brings, especially when your uncle is suddenly Park Lane and - in England , we have Park Lane, Mayfair and Barclay Square, what is it in America? Park and Madison? So you see people change download Songs and Rhymes 1.1 apk . You are to bear witness to Jekyll and Hyde. Somewhere in this is a hysterically funny and I think rather exciting film.
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