понедельник, 6 октября 2014 г.

download Simple Darts - Donation Module free android app

Simple Darts - Donation Module


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** THIS IS THE DONATION MODULE FOR "Simple Darts - Dart Scorecard". If you have "Simple Darts - Dart Scorecard" and like it, please leave feedback here also. THANK YOU! **

Simple Darts - The best dart score keeping and dart game scoring application. Dart scorecard has never been easier. Don't worry about doing the math or handing the tricky scoring. Just play your favorite dart game with your friends and let simple darts do the rest.

- X01, Cricket, Baseball, Around the World, Shanghai and Golf

- Keep score on one screen with 1 to 4 players

- Unlimited "undo" on X01 and coming soon for Cricket

- Keep player statistics

- Share your games on Facebook

Throw your darts, tap your score and see what all the players have on one screen. That SIMPLE!

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