Pink 4 Facebook
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This is a Themed Social application that lets you keep in touch with friends and family. It's highly themed with black backgrounds and Pink text.. It has custom icons, textfields and code tweaks for speed and visual optimization..
The app itself is free but I'm asking for a small fee for the theme of it to help with future releases...
In order to make the newsfeed inverted I had to change the version number and as a side effect there is a message that a newer version of the app is available at the top of the newsfeed... just ignore that.
Make sure to rate and comment on this app... thank you
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Custom ' Shaun of the Dead ' LEGO set could until years after its publication, a film on the big screen , you get a sense of how impact on a film in the future of cinema and the world looks be the pop culture in general. A surprising film that has a huge following and has resulted in the amazing career of director Edgar 's 's Shaun of the Dead download Pink 4 Facebook free android app . The film not only helped to start the American Glory British stars Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, but also to the success of Hot Fuzz and the excitement for another film in the so-called Blood and Ice Cream trilogy allowed. Now the film is seen to be rooted in pop culture history of with their own LEGO set. Simon Pegg supported the LEGO Group on Conan (the third.
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